This Day Aria, Part 1, or Cadence Aria,[1] is a song that is featured in the episode A Canterlot Wedding - Part 2. It is sung by both Princess Cadance and changeling Queen Chrysalis. As a side note, an Aria is a song sung by one singer, which given Chrysalis is disguised as Cadance (and sharing a voice actress) makes this true in a fashion. According to "The Musical Pony" complete song lyrics in Little, Brown's My Little Pony Friendship is Magic official guidebook My Little Pony: The Elements of Harmony, it is a distinct entity from the reprise Queen Chrysalis sings later in the episode. This part of the song makes up the tenth track on the Songs of Friendship and Magic soundtrack album under the title This Day Aria, although the lyric booklet incorrectly shows the lyrics of the reprise. It also serves as the fourth track on the My Little Pony 2015 Convention Collection. It is also one of two featured in the second episode of PonyChat.
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